Professor Veltman is a specialist pain management physician and also the deputy director of medical services at Joondalup Health Campus. He holds an adjunct professorial position with the University of Notre Dame for his role helping revise the teaching of undergraduate pharmacology. He also contributed substantially to undergraduate education with the award winning living anatomy program in 2013. His publications in assessing the quality of acute pain services and also perioperative cardiac ultrasound assessment received national awards.
Professor Veltman holds fellowships for specialty training with the Faculty of Pain Medicine and the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists as well as the American Society of Echocardiography. He speaks nationally on pain management, and has broad medical experience including working previously in the heart and lung transplant and the burns unit at Royal Perth Hospital as well as being the medical director of an aeromedical retrieval unit in Perth for four years.
Professor Veltman consults at our Joondalup rooms, and operates at Joondalup Health Campus and Glengarry Private Hospital.